Can Generic Viagra Treat Premature Ejaculation

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Written By Julie Ingram
Generic Viagra Treat Premature Ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation (PE) is a common sexual issue that affects many men or Assigned Males at Birth (AMAB).

This causes distress and impacts the sexual satisfaction of both partners.

As the search for effective treatments continues, questions arise about the potential of Generic Viagra in managing PE. 

This article will explore the question, “Can Generic Viagra treat Premature Ejaculation?”. 

We will delve into the mechanism of action of Generic Viagra and discuss its potential effectiveness in addressing PE.

By gaining a deeper understanding of this topic, individuals can make informed decisions. 

Overview of Premature Ejaculation and Generic Viagra

Premature Ejaculation (PE) is a sexual dysfunction in men or AMAB.

It is a condition when a man ejaculates, or “comes,” sooner than he or his partner would like during sex.

This can happen within a minute of starting sexual intercourse or even before intercourse begins. 

Due to this, men perceive a negative image of themselves and start avoiding sexual intimacy. 

On the other hand, Generic Viagra is used for treating Erectile Dysfunction in men or AMAB. 

It is a cost-effective alternative to the brand-name medicine Viagra.

Generic Viagra contains the same primary ingredient, Sildenafil, and offers the same efficacy as its branded counterpart (Viagra). 

It is a PDE5 inhibitor, which works by blocking the action of PDE5 enzymes in the penis. 

This inhibition dilates the penile blood vessels and improves blood flow to the penis.

The enhanced blood flow to the penis helps men or AMAB to get and maintain a firm erection when sexually aroused.

Pfizer is a manufacturer and distributor of the branded medicine Viagra. After the expiration of Pfizer’s patent on Viagra, many pharmaceutical companies started producing generic (non-branded) versions of Viagra. These non-branded versions of Viagra are known as Generic Viagra or Sildenafil.

Is Generic Viagra helpful in treating Premature Ejaculation (PE)

Generic Viagra Treat Premature EjaculationSource: Africa images
Research is still ongoing to validate the medication

Generic Viagra, also known as Sildenafil, is not approved by the Food and Drug Association (FDA) for treating PE. 

However, some studies have shown the potential of Sildenafil in managing Premature Ejaculation. This is considered an additional benefit of Generic Viagra (Sildenafil). 

  • In a 2007 study, Sildenafil ( an active ingredient in Generic Viagra) was found to be a safe and effective treatment for PE. It showed better results than Paroxetine (a PE medicine) and the squeeze technique. 
  • One study showed that Sildenafil improves the perception of ejaculatory control. This boosts sexual confidence and enhances sexual experiences. 

More research is required to validate the potential benefits of Generic Viagra in treating PE. 

How Generic Viagra works to treat Premature Ejaculation

The exact work of Generic Viagra (Sildenafil) in treating Premature Ejaculation is not clear. 

However, some medical researchers have come up with theories on how Sildenafil works to treat PE. 

  • One theory is that Sildenafil can enhance brain serotonin (5-HT) levels, which is a neurotransmitter involved in ejaculation and its regulation. Medications that increase 5-HT levels have shown efficacy in treating Premature Ejaculation. 
  • Sildenafil helps men to get and maintain an erection for a long. This might reduce sexual performance anxiety. Thus, indirectly benefiting individuals with Premature Ejaculation. 
  • It is found that Sildenafil may induce relaxation of the smooth muscles near the vas deferens and seminal vesicles. This may potentially contribute to the treatment of Premature Ejaculation.

All these theories lack extensive research. 

Therefore, more in-depth research is required to confirm the exact functioning of Generic Viagra (Sildenafil) in treating Premature Ejaculation. 

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  • Is it safe to combine Sildenafil with other PE treatments

    Combining Sildenafil with other treatments for PE may offer additional benefits. 

    Various studies have shown positive outcomes with combining Sildenafil and Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs).

    SSRIs are a category of medicines that are used to treat Premature Ejaculation. 

    • An earlier 2003 study suggested that combining Sildenafil with SSRI could improve PE in individuals who did not respond to other PE treatments. But this might increase side effects like headache and flushing.
    • A 2019 study indicated positive responses to a combination treatment of Sildenafil and Dapoxetine (an SSRI) for men experiencing PE and ED. You can consider using medications like Cenforce D that contain both Sildenafil and Dapoxetine 

    However, It is important to consult with a doctor before combining medications or therapies to ensure safety and effectiveness. 

    They can provide guidance on potential benefits and adjust the treatment plan accordingly.

    Side Effects of Generic Viagra for Premature Ejaculation

    Man having headacheSource: Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
    Mild and temporary side effects

    Like any medication, Generic Viagra (Sildenafil) can have potential side effects. 

    Whether you use it for ED or Premature Ejaculation, it can pose the same side effects. 

    Common side effects of Generic Viagra include headache, facial flushing, indigestion, and nasal congestion. These side effects are usually mild, temporary, and do not require medical intervention. 

    However, in rare cases, some serious side effects may occur. These include sudden vision loss or Priapism (prolonged and painful erection). 

    If you experience any severe or persistent side effects, seek medical assistance immediately.

    Do not take Generic Viagra (Sildenafil) without consulting a doctor, as it has the potential to cause side effects. Thus, it is advisable to always take ED medicines under medical guidance.


    In conclusion, the use of Generic Viagra in treating Premature Ejaculation is still a topic of ongoing research.

    It is primarily indicated for treating Erectile Dysfunction. But some studies have suggested that it may have a beneficial effect on managing Premature Ejaculation (PE) issues. 

    The mechanism behind this potential benefit is believed to be the medication’s impact on increasing blood flow and enhancing sexual confidence. 

    However, it is important to note that Generic Viagra is not specifically approved for treating PE. Its effectiveness also may vary from person to person. 

    Therefore, consulting with a doctor specializing in sexual health is crucial.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can Generic Viagra cure Premature Ejaculation?

    Sildenafil is useful in treating Erectile Dysfunction (ED) in men. But it is also effective in managing Premature Ejaculation (PE), which is its additional benefit. Therefore, it is not a cure for PE as it does not target the underlying causes of PE.

    How long does it take for Generic Viagra to work for Premature Ejaculation (PE)?

    The exact work of Generic Viagra for treating Premature Ejaculation is not known. Thus, making it challenging to determine how long it takes to work for PE. 
    However, it treats Erectile Dysfunction in men, which boosts their sexual confidence. This enhanced confidence indirectly treats Premature Ejaculation. For treating ED, it takes 30 minutes after ingestion to start working.

    Can Generic Viagra be used solely for the treatment of Premature Ejaculation?

    Although Generic Viagra has shown potential in treating Premature Ejaculation, FDA has not approved it for this condition. 
    Therefore, consult your doctor to determine whether you can use it for treating PE solely or with other PE treatments.

    What are the other treatments used for Premature Ejaculation?

    There are various other treatments for Premature Ejaculation available. These include behavioral techniques (such as the start-stop and squeeze techniques), topical creams, Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), and counseling or therapy.

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